This will be on Sunday 30th March.
Category Archives: Events
Upcoming events involving or sometimes merely tangential to the City and Docklands. Dates a little sparse at the moment as many places have not yet released their 2024 schedule.
April 7th. London Landmarks Half Marathon. Alongside the Marathon, free walking tours in several parts of the City. [Details to follow]
June 2024. Knolly’s Rose Procession. Delivery of a single rose to the Lord Mayor to settle a 600 year old planning permission problem (don’t you just love the City?!) . [Details to follow, date unconfirmed].
Sunday September 21st. Sheep Drive. Freemen exercise their right to drive animals across a City bridge. Details to follow, [date unconfirmed].
Tuesday September 24th. City Giving Day.
Saturday November 10th. Lord Mayor’s Show. Welcoming in the new Lord Mayor. Details to follow.
Saturday December 14th. North Wood Morris Xmas Day of Dance. All day traditional entertainment opposite the City on the South Bank. [Recheck date nearer the time].
Saturday December 22rd, 10:00am to 11:30am. Head for Smithfield Market and grab a meaty bargain at the Annual “Xmas Eve” meat and turkey auction [not confirmed]
Dates provisional
Sunday January 5th, 12:30. Blessing Of The River. Takes place on London Bridge. Details will be at . [Date not confirmed].
City Giving Day
This takes place annually and is an opportunity for City businesses and workers to demonstrate their charitable endeavours and achievements.
The next City Giving Day is on 24th September,